New Hope Adrestia

nimi New Hope Adrestia "Adrestia"
rotu, sukupuoli American Quarter Horse tamma
väritys hphja, otj tkvsk, pt
säkäkorkeus hopeanruunivoikko, 158cm
syntynyt, ikä 08.10.2015, 4v - IRL-ikääntyminen
koulutus reining, western trail, barrel racing & IntI 100cm
rekisterinumerot VH19-014-0050 & PKK3280 & RCHA
kasvattaja New Hope Ranch, Texas United States
omistaja, kotitalli Veronica Marston VRL-13283, asuu ?
KTK-II & sertit VIP MVA</</span>

Named after a goddess of revolt, just retribution and sublime balance between good and evil. Gets along with people, has a favourite person tough. Highly intelligent and willing to please, if interested. Easy to train, handle, and keep, and because she has a steady and somewhat gentle demeanor, she is a good companion. Adrestia is known for her strength and speed, but those features are perfectly combined with a proper temperament coming from her thoroughbred ancestory and a versatile personality that allows her to be loving companion and pleasure horse, as well as dedicated work horse.