Blue Star Spartan

nimi Blue Star Spartan "Spartan"
rotu, sukupuoli American Quarter Horse ori
väritys hphja, sek, otj vsk, vtj oej ksk, vej psk, ept
säkäkorkeus hopeanruunikko päistärikkö, 160cm
syntynyt, ikä 23.08.2013, 6v - IRL-ikääntyminen
koulutus reining, western trail, barrel racing & IntI 100cm
rekisterinumerot VH19-014-0049 & PKK3279 & RCHA4246
kasvattaja Blue Star AQHs, Texas United States
omistaja, kotitalli Veronica Marston VRL-13283, asuu ?
KTK-I & sertit VIP MVA

Spartan has a pleasant personality. Docile and calm natured and he gets along well with people. Highly intelligent and willing to please. Easy to train, handle, and keep, and because he has a steady and gentle demeanor, he is a wonderful companion. Spartan is known for his strength and speed, but those features are perfectly combined with a mild temperament and a versatile personality that allows him to be loving companion and pleasure horse, as well as dedicated work horse.