  • Egil's saga — Death of Skallagrim

    There Egil had a mound raised on the point of the ness. Therein was laid Skallagrim, with his horse, his weapons, and his smithy tools. It is not told that any valuables were laid in the mound beside him.

  • Egil's saga — Slaying of Thrand

    On that day Steinar's cattle were late in coming home; and when there seemed no hope of their coming, Steinar took his horse and saddled it, and fully armed himself. He then rode to Borg.

  • The Story of the Volsungs — Of the Birth and Waxing of Sigurd Fafnir's-bane

    From Sleipnir's kin is this horse come, and he must be nourished heedfully, for it will be the best of all horses. So Sigurd called the horse Grani, the best of all the horses of the world.

  • Prose Edda — Gylfaginning

    Then Allfather took Night, and Day her son, and gave to them two horses and two chariots, and sent them up into the heavens, to ride round about the earth every two half-days.

  • Prose Edda — Helgakviða Hjörvarðssonar - Valkyries

    Three times nine girls, but one girl rode ahead, white-skinned under her helmet; the horses were trembling, from their manes dew fell into the deep valleys, hail in the high woods; good fortune comes to men from there.

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Cras ultricies ut metus a tincidunt. Cras non molestie tortor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec laoreet mattis augue rutrum viverra. Curabitur pellentesque sapien odio, et sodales augue sollicitudin quis. Phasellus mollis ut risus dapibus sodales. Pellentesque eget tempus sapien. Quisque semper fringilla nisi at vulputate. Etiam ornare porta urna a euismod. Etiam lobortis lorem ultricies massa laoreet pharetra. Proin quis blandit eros. Duis venenatis rhoncus felis sed vestibulum.

